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Find out what it's like to be perfectly calm and quiet inside

00:00 / 03:53

Mindfulness Exercise

Cloud Float Adventure

Use this game when you’re feeling restless, anxious, or just need a fun way to calm down.

Find a cozy spot to sit or lie down. Close your eyes, take a big breath in through your nose, and blow out slowly, like you're blowing bubbles. Do this three times to feel super relaxed.

Picture yourself floating in a big, clear sky filled with fluffy, colorful clouds.

With each breath in, imagine you’re reaching out to touch a cloud. When you breathe out, let the cloud float away and watch it drift out of sight.

Look for the empty spaces between the clouds. These are like little moments of quiet and calm. Enjoy how peaceful it feels to see these gaps as the clouds move around.

Wiggle your fingers and toes slowly, and then open your eyes when you're ready.

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