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Discover the feeling of being deeply connected and steady like a tree

00:00 / 04:11

Mindfulness Exercise

Mountain Building Game

This game is great when you're feeling anxious, stressed, or need to take a quick break to refocus and calm down.

Find a comfortable space to sit or stand. Close your eyes gently and take three deep breaths through your nose, feeling your tummy puff up like a balloon and then slowly letting the air out.

Pretend you're a small rock that’s been sitting in the sun. Feel how warm and still you are. Now, imagine you’re starting to roll down a hill slowly. As you roll, notice how you move and how the ground feels beneath you.

Imagine you have magical mountain-building blocks. With each breath, picture yourself stacking these blocks to build a strong and tall mountain. Start with your legs, then your torso, and finally your arms. Feel how your mountain grows bigger and stronger with each breath.

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