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Focusing on the mandala helps you relax and find calm in a fun way!

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Mindfulness Exercise

Focus on the Mandala

Find a Cozy Spot: Sit comfortably and place your mandala where you can see it easily—on paper or on the wall.

Take Deep Breaths: Close your eyes and breathe deeply a few times. Imagine blowing away any worries with each exhale.

Explore Your Mandala: Open your eyes and look at your mandala. Notice the colors, shapes, and patterns. Take your time to explore each detail.

Connect with the Mandala: Think about what the mandala reminds you of. It might be a feeling, memory, or something special to you. Let your imagination wander!

Focus on the Center: If you like, try focusing on the center of the mandala. See if you can keep your eyes there and really concentrate. If your eyes get tired, it’s okay to close them for a moment.

Finish Calmly: Close your eyes again, notice your breath, and feel how calm you are. When you’re ready, open your eyes slowly and finish your practice.

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